Understanding the Group Agreement Form

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What is the Group Agreement Form (GAF):

The Group Agreement Form is a legally binding document for the Group Contact to sign that tells Discovery Camp they are agreeing to the information on the form along with the terms, waivers, and releases of the document. This is due 30 business days before your check-in date. Failure to complete this form will result in the cancellation of your reservation.


What am I Agreeing to When I Sign This?

When signing this form you are agreeing to the following:

– Program (Camp/Retreat):

  • Start & end dates for the program
  • Which program they are coming to
  • Confirmation & Sign-Up Code Number

– Counts:

  • Male, female, and adult counts

– Finances:

  • Rate per camper
  • Deposit based on spaces (and date it’s due by)
  • Total amount due (and date it’s due by)

– Church Info:

  • Church Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zipcode
  • Senior Pastor 
  • Senior Pastor Spouse
  • Church phone number

– Group Contact Information:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone

– Acknowledgment & Release:

  • Forms Duly Processed
  • Deposit
  • Penalty for Cancellation
  • Registration
  • Our Commitment to You

– Authority & Release Waiver:

  • Authority & Release Waiver
  • Indemnity


Additionally, once your GAF is signed & submitted any modifications to your overall count or gender counts will require approval from the Reservations Team and an updated signed form. To update the form you will need to contact the Reservation Team so they can remove the signed form for you to sign the new one.


Where to find the Group Agreement Form:

The GAF can be found on the Group Contact Dashboard at Discoverycamp.org/Dashboard.


How to Sign the Group Agreement Form:

To sign the GAF, you will head to the Agreement Form tab in the Dashboard in the menu tab. The GAF will be already filled out according to how many names are in the Campers tab in the Dashboard (i.e. if there are only 13 names, then the info on the GAF will reflect the information for 13 campers). At the bottom of the page, there will be a white box that you can sign on your device and hit “Submit”.


Once submitted, the Reservations Team will look at it to make sure all of the information is correct, and then confirm it.


Your Group Agreement Form is due 30 business days before your check-in date. Failure to complete this form will result in the cancellation of your reservation.

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